
We apologize for the fact that the English version of the homepage is still under construction and that most of the translations were done by machine.

OmniControl is a media system for the creation and simulation of control engineering circuits. In addition to creation and simulation, OmniControl can address industrial I/O bus couplers via Modbus protocol, so that real models can also be controlled via OmniControl.

Compared to complex industrial programming environments in control engineering (e.g. PC Worx, Step 7, Codesys), OmniControl provides an easy-to-use programming environment for function blocks and sequential function charts based on IEC 61131, in which the “problem” to be solved in control engineering is in the foreground and the handling of the “programming tool” is pushed into the background.

OmniControl is used in teaching and learning situations in control engineering in schools and universities, where not “product training” but the teaching of basic control engineering skills is the goal. Various dynamic simulation models are already integrated in the program (e.g. access gate, escalator, air heater … ; see here) with which the function of circuits can be vividly checked.

The OmniControl team